Do you have Integrity?


Is a word used to describe how well a person or structure upholds itself.

For example.
A knee that has all ligaments torn and has become unstable has lost its structural integrity.
You could also say that a knee that has all its ligaments and is very stable, has its integrity maintained.

So, if a person loses integrity, it might be that they have given way and not stood firm on what they believe in and on their values.

The circle depicts your thoughts, decisions, behaviours. How you live your life.
Integrity is how you'd describe your ability to consistently uphold your values as your compass on how you navigate through life.

People often choose the word integrity as one of their values.

This doesn't make sense.

If integrity is what you have if you uphold your values and beliefs, then its much more meaningful to have your values and beliefs articulated and then in reflection of your thoughts, decisions and actions, you and those around you can determine whether you have integrity or not.

Saying you have integrity is like saying you are a good person.

Whose opinion is that? And what is it based on?

What other people think matters less. The most important is to reflect upon your own behaviours and the description or theme of those most prevalent behaviours become your values. Choose your top 3. Stick to them. Protect them. These help you form boundaries with your surroundings. The thoughts, decisions and actions that you determine to be favourable and unfavourable.

For sure, when you lack integrity, it might just be that much harder to look in the mirror with pride.

Sticking by your values, having integrity, is something to be proud of, especially on the days where you were tested.



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