Help Addict

Client after client, you’re meant to know what the problem is and how to solve it. There’s something thrilling about solving someone’s problem. In the case of health professionals, it often involves people that are in pain. The problem is so involved and affects so many aspects of the person’s life, that when you solve it, the gratitude you receive is far greater than the effort you put into solving it. 

Most health practitioners I have spoken to (hundreds), say they just really love to help people. I suppose, if you’re a health professional and you didn’t have a drive to help people then maybe you’d be in the wrong profession… But don’t most professions help people to some extent? For me, ‘helping people’ just doesn’t cut it as a true reason why you want to deal with health issues. 

People always tend to have an event they refer back to – for me, I hurt my back at the age of 15 and went to a Chiro who sorted it out for me. I was in awe of the white coat, the way I felt looked after, the pain relief. I knew I wanted to do that too, but I hadn’t identified the emotional need that the experience satisfied. 

The decisions you make about your life most often come from a fulfilment of an emotional need. Emotional needs are otherwise thought of as your values. Your values come about by your subconscious beliefs and these dive deeper than surface reasoning like – “I just want to help people”. 

I had never identified my driving purpose – and so I got addicted to helping people.. Sadly not because of helping people, but because it satisfied the addiction. It made me cynical, arrogant, harsh. It’s because I would use it to fuel a sense of significance for my existence. That if everything that was happening didn’t position me as an expert, then I’d have failed to be the expert. 

Diving into my own emotions and questioning myself strongly enough, is when I started to get closer to the true reasons why I wanted to get into Chiro in the first place. 

Why was I in awe of the white coat?

Why did I want to make people feel cared for?

Why did I want to relieve people of pain? 

I realised that I was inspired and educated. That’s why I want to make a difference to people’s lives, as it is my contribution.

I care much less about the significance I feel but more whether or not I’ve helped someone achieve a breakthrough.

It’s changed my conversations, my intention and has helped me really appreciate all the amazing relationships I have around me. 

So, dear allied health practitioners.. I hear you ask, “how will doing personal development help me in the clinic?”

My answer to you is – it will help you in your entire life – as it has changed mine.      


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