Compex EMS for Good Thoracic Spine Posture - Balance Health and Performance
Nick Papastamatis from Balance Health and Performance in Sydney explains that a common dysfunction with the front squat is the inability to maintain a good thoracic spine posture. This means that the squats are lacking the ability for the spine to extend. If you place Compex EMS on the spinal muscles and squat down you can activate those long spinal muscles so that we can stay more upright. Find our more in this video.
Compex testimonial from Chiropractor Nick Papastamatis
Dr. Nick Papastamatis, Chiropractor and founder of Balance Health and Performance shares with us his thoughts about Compex and its benefits.
Compex Tutorial: Lunge common dysfunction with Chiropractor Nick P.
Dr. Nick Papastamatis, Chiropractor and founder of Balance Health and Performance shares with us a common dysfunction we often see with the lunge and how Compex will help you improve it.
Compex Tutotrial: Latissimus Dorsi Muscle common dysfunction with Chiropractor Nick P.
A common dysfunction is to use the latissimus dorsi muscle properly. Dr. Nick Papastamatis (Chiropractor) has a quick tip for us.